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Lyme Epidemic is an initiative of an active group of Lyme patients
supported by the Happy Motion Foundation
The documentary filmmakers and website have attempted to provide a complete and truthful picture of the current situation and problems surrounding Lyme disease, but Happy Motion cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information.
Statements and opinions of those interviewed in the documentary are for their account and do not have to be the opinion of Happy Motion.
Statements on the website should not be construed as self-evident advice to others, because individual situations differ from each other. No rights can be derived from the information and opinions on this website. Happy Motion accepts no liability for the consequences of actions based on the texts, statements or photos on this website. When Happy Motion displays links to third-party websites, this does not mean that the products, services or opinions offered on or via these websites are recommended and supported by Happy Motion. Happy Motion accepts no liability and no responsibility whatsoever for the content, use or websites referred to or referring to this website.
KvK 57701210
RSIN 852697223
Account No.: NL14ABNA0435561057 t.n.v. Stichting Happy Motion (BIC: ABNANL2A)
Stichting Happy Motion est enregistrée ANBI, plus d’informations peuvent être trouvées ici

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