Lyme disease is an invisible epidemic with a much greater impact than we think. In this documentary we want to show what it’s like as a patient to have to live with this disease that is so misunderstood.
It is a film about injustice, struggles and conflicts of interest. The film by director Pim Giel discusses the severity of Lyme disease such as paralysis, pain, spasms, but also about the consequences such as, out-of-home placement, alleged child abuse, euthanasia, benefit issues and misdiagnosis. Will it manage to break through political and medical regimen and allow the important switch to new international guidelines so patients can have a chance at a decent life? This is what we would like to see happening, but with current trends, this will not happen.
The documentary is one of the ways to fight for more attention, recognition, research and a breakthrough for chronic Lyme disease. But more is happening.
With the (media) campaign SOS Lyme Epidemic, patients are fighting for a breakthrough in the stalemate of chronic Lyme treatment and breaking the injustice. Various benefit campaigns and the petition are part of this campaign. The patients are working hard – including with the help of Nicolette van Dam – to collect the necessary 40,000 signatures to present to parliament during the Lyme Awareness month.
is an initiative of a group of chronic Lyme patients in cooperation with the Happy Motion Foundation. The patients, in collaboration with Stichting Happy Motion, have made the documentary SOS Lyme, ‘an invisible epidemic’ with the aim of distributing it internationally. Our aim is to shed some light on the actual situation and draw attention to the problems concerning the treatment of Lyme.
The campaign is supported by ambassadors and former Lyme patient actor Miro Kloosterman, rapper / singer Pete Philly and in Belgium politician John Crombez and presenter Roos van de Acker.
Will you help us putting this invisible disease on the map?
On this website Lyme epidemic there is much more information for patients and professionals about Lyme disease, Its treatment, and the impact on our society.
Lyme disease is a complicated disease. Hard to detect and difficult to treat. Too little money, too few treatment options and too little social attention ensure that patients in the Netherlands are left to fend for themselves. International, specialized doctors and researchers are now achieving success with new guidelines for the treatment of chronic Lyme disease.
But these are not yet accepted in our country by politics, science and health insurers. Treatment of chronic Lyme disease is not reimbursed in the Netherlands. Patients often have no money for treatment abroad and are becoming increasingly ill. Sometimes resulting in death or euthanasia. They are also often plagued by lawsuits. And that due to a disease that ‘does not exist’ in our country. Not only the tick is the culprit, but also other insects and humans themselves.
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